A Folding or Artculation Arm generally refers to a type of mechanical arm or jointed structure that allows for movement or folding at multiple points. The term can be used in various contexts depending on the industry or application. Here are a couple of common uses:
- Industrial Manipulator:
- In industrial automation or robotics, a folding or articulation arm may refer to a robotic arm with joints that allow it to bend or fold at different points. These arms are often used for precise and flexible manipulation of objects in manufacturing processes.
- Medical Equipment:
- In the context of medical equipment, an articulating arm may refer to an adjustable arm or stand that supports medical devices or monitors. These arms are often used in healthcare settings to position equipment such as lamps, monitors, or diagnostic tools.
- Gate or Barrier Arm:
- In the context of access control or security systems, a folding or articulation arm may be part of a gate or barrier mechanism. For example, in a parking facility, a gate arm may have multiple segments that articulate or fold as it opens and closes.